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Glaucoma Specialists

Treatment Options for Glaucoma Patients

Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery

MIGS or Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery, is great news for glaucoma treatment patients who are considering cataract surgery. One such microstent, roughly the size of an eyelash, can be placed into the eye’s drainage system during cataract surgery. It acts as a kind of scaffolding that helps to open and enlarge the drainage system. In so doing, the stent helps to lower intraocular pressure. This innovative device is similar in form and fashion to the stents used for heart conditions such as coronary artery disease.

Because insertion of the device is done at the same time as cataract surgery, patients who need or want cataract surgery can have a combined cataract and glaucoma treatment procedure. The cataract portion is performed to improve vision, and the microstent placement is performed to help control glaucoma. Insertion of the microstent generally adds only a few minutes to the surgery and is done when the cataract portion is completed. The microstent adds little overall risk to the procedure. Insertion of the microstent, however, can help greatly with the task of controlling eye pressure and thus controlling a patient’s glaucoma.

Best Candidates for Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery

Most patients with both cataracts and glaucoma are considered to be good candidates for this combined procedure. The microstent provides patients with an opportunity to reduce the number of medications they use to manage their disease. It also provides the opportunity to improve eye pressure without being subjected to an ever-increasing number of topical medications (eyedrops), each of which can have side effects for both their eyes and other organs such as the heart and lungs.

Glaucoma. Illustration showing open-angle glaucoma. Intraocular pressure in the back of the eye

Who is at Risk for Glaucoma?

Anyone is at risk, but there are factors that increase the risk for glaucoma:

  • Age (especially those over 60 years of age)
  • Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Long-term use of steroids
  • Thin corneas
  • African-American, Asian, or Hispanic descent
  • Family history of glaucoma

The best way to avoid the negative consequences of this disease is to undergo regular glaucoma examinations. Our practice has locations throughout Texas, from where you can talk to an experienced optometrist or ophthalmologist and learn more about glaucoma treatment options.

Schedule an Appointment Online

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a disease defined as optic nerve damage. The primary cause of this nerve damage is elevated pressure inside the eye (intraocular pressure). Damage to the optic nerve can lead to progressive sight loss over the course of a patient’s life, among other glaucoma symptoms.

In most, the drainage system becomes clogged so the aqueous humor cannot drain. When this happens, pressure (intraocular pressure) builds up inside the eye. High pressure can cause damage to the optic nerve, which then leads to vision loss. The optic disc is where the optic nerve connects to the eye. As pressure increases, nerve fibers in the optic nerve begin to die. When this happens, the disc begins to hollow out and become cupped. Early detection and treatment often help to prevent serious vision loss.

The glaucoma specialists at West Texas Eye Associates provide comprehensive dilated eye examinations to monitor your glaucoma so proper treatment can be delivered and vision loss can be avoided.

How Is Glaucoma Diagnosed?

Glaucoma is diagnosed through routine comprehensive dilated eye exams. As we have stated most cases of glaucoma are typically not suspected by patients. They are usually detected in the course of an eye examination or done for some other reason, such as “routine” exams, cataract evaluations, or even follow-ups of a patient with macular degeneration. It is much better to discover this before it becomes a problem.

The best defense against glaucoma is regular eye examinations by your ophthalmologist or optometrist. Early detection can mean the difference between normal and lost vision.

Your ophthalmologists and glaucoma specialists at West Texas Eye Associates take an extensive approach to glaucoma care, starting with a comprehensive eye examination including testing using our advanced glaucoma technologies. After our doctors determine if you have one of the stages of glaucoma, we will discuss your treatment options with you. These treatment options can include eye drops, laser, and/or glaucoma surgery if deemed necessary.

Get Help Today

The best way to figure out how to treat your glaucoma case is to see us for an in-office visit. We can then determine the progression of your disease and can begin with something as simple as a regimen of medical eye drops.

Our glaucoma specialists at West Texas Eye Associates are focused on patient well-being and the preservation of vision.

Get Help Today

If you are at risk for Glaucoma or symptoms of Glaucoma are making you uncomfortable and interfering with your daily life, call us. Our doctors across Texas have the expertise and tools to give you the relief you need.


12210 Quaker Ave
Lubbock, TX 79424


5109 80th St
Lubbock, TX 79424

Surgery Center

3611 50th St
Lubbock, TX 79413



Omar Shoukfeh, MD
Omar Shoukfeh, MD

Glaucoma, Ophthalmologist, Surgeons

Zuhair M. Shihab, MD
Zuhair M. Shihab, MD

Glaucoma, Ophthalmologist, Surgeons

Lizett J. Martinez, OD
Lizett J. Martinez, OD

Optometrist, Comprehensive Eye Care, Glaucoma